Garage Sale Finds!

Saturday I got up at 6.15 am to hit a community yard sale of approximately 40 homes.  I was looking for things for my antique shop as well as for myself.  My rule is for every two items that go to the shop I get to keep one!  Just kidding hubby.

The yard sale was in a neighborhood of beautiful homes.  I knew there would be treasures to be found and I was certainly not disappointed.  Below are the goodies I found that day…I know it looks like a bunch of junk but just wait and see what I do with these treasures.

I’ll save the best for last!


See the cute birdhouse? I painted it white and it has found a home in our morning room.  I also have an idea for the white cubbie shelf. You’ll have to come back again to see that transformation.
Okay, so here is what took my breath away!
Johnson Bros. Old Britain Castle
10 dinner plates
8 bread plates
8 saucers
All in perfect condition
$10.00 !
I could not pay her quick enough and get out of there. The whole way down the driveway I kept thinking the owner would call me back and say she had made a mistake.  Why would anyone sell these dishes for $10.00 when the one plate on goes for $19.00? I don’t know her reasoning but I sure am glad I saw them first! These dishes are staying home with me.
No, I did not get this carrier at the garage sale. My son and Darling DIL gave me a gift certificate for Pottery Barn for Christmas and this is one of the items I chose. Isn’t it fabulous?
Can you tell I love this little carrier?  The rose is from my container garden and I added a sprig of rosemary. I wish you could smell is wonderful.
The napkins were from the yard sale and they are so pretty in person.  I am not sure of the fabric but they are very sheer and almost transparent.  I got 10 vintage napkins with tags marked as made in Italy for
Thanks everyone for stopping by and taking a look at my yard sale finds and thanks ladies for hosting all the  great parties below. Check these out for fantastic inspiration.

80 thoughts on “Garage Sale Finds!”

  1. Oh my goodness, I wish that I was at those yard sales. I would have to race you down the street and wrestle you down for that birdcage and those Johnson Bros. dishes!
    I love your PB metal container holder, Wow!


  2. Oh my word. What fabulous treasures. I can't believe how beautiful they look in your tablescape. Love the bottle holder for the silver and the architectural pieces are stunning. Wow, I am so impressed. Great inspiration. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

  3. Oh My Gosh! What a deal on your Johnson Bros. plates, and they look so pretty on your table with your beautiful bargain napkins and that carrier from P.B. I bet that bird cage looks beautiful painted white. What a wonderful day of bargains you had! laurie

  4. I'm in awe. I can't believe you got those plates for that price. They are beautiful and, of course, worth so much more. I'm glad they are in someone's home that will appreciate them. I'm heading to Pottery Barn tomorrow. Seriously. I am.

  5. Wonderful finds…
    and wonderful re-purposing …
    I looked at your initial pile and thought…
    I would choose each piece you did too.
    The bird house…, love that!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings…

  6. Wow, I would have run, too. I cannot believe she sold those dishes that cheap. I love your beverage carrier from PB, too. Those Italian napkins are gorgeous and probably would cost quite a bit even in Italy.

  7. Wow did you score with those Johnson Brothers dishes…the best I've ever done is $8.00 for 4 cups and saucers, but I was thrilled to get them. I love your patttern and the napkins as well -they are just beautiful! Love the chargers you layered your new dishes with! All beautiful! The white birdcage in the background is so pretty!

    Miss Bloomers

  8. Score Sherry! Love the plates and Linens! What great finds!

    I got a blog "facelift" today, if you get a chance and check it out. I think she did a great job! Enjoying my new "Blog Decor!"


  9. Beautiful finds (treasures)! I like your rule 2 items 1 for the business and 1 for me. I'm having to learn that, so I don't bring everything home.

  10. Hi Sherry,
    You scored on that amazing Johnson Bros. set! It is just beautiful, and I love the vintage napkins. I have a weakness for vintage white napkins. I use them at every meal.
    Lovely post!
    Have a great day.

  11. You certainly had a good haul, and the plates -what a bargain! I'm looking forward to seeing what you're going to 'do' to the rest of the haul. Love your carrier, it looks great on your fabulous table setting.

  12. What a score on the dishes. I don't blame you for keeping them. I love them. I also love the birdcage. That looks like a great pile of junk…just sayin

  13. OH MY WORD!
    I think I am sleeping in too late- I adore the transferware plates!! $10? That lady was crazy- but you got a blessing, so it's all good!
    The fabric that the napkins is made from is called organdy.
    And I LOVE the standing planter you found! Wow!
    You had a great, fun day, didn't you?
    I think I need to set my alarm and hour earlier this week.

  14. Thanks so much for coming to visit. I love your stuff and took a peak at some other posts on your blog and was hooked! Those plates are really awesome, I so love yard sales, I really can't wait till they get into full swing around here. We had a dusting of snow on Monday:( Can't wait to see what you did with the rest of the stuff.

    🙂 Michelle

  15. My goodness what great treasures you got!!! Your table is lovely ~ what a gift you have in setting a beautiful table. I love the birdcage and your treasure from PB. Thank you for stopping by ~ very glad I came for a visit!!

  16. The fun part of buying and selling is when you score something like a beautiful set of dishes for $10. You'll be telling that story for years! The fun is in the find, the reward is in the sale…..enjoy.

  17. Sherry, you find the best stuff. Where I live everything is picked over immediately (except on the street where I find amazing things). Show us more, please, in your travels. And thanks for stopping by for our house tour — Jane F.

  18. What great finds you got. The community garage sales haven't started here yet, but I can't wait. I have to say that metal carrier is awesome. So many possibilities.

    Take care,


  19. You truly found some great buys at the garage sales. The dish set was an awesome deal at $10 and look gorgeous on your table. I love the carrier you showed in different shots and it is such a handy piece.
    Stop by and visit my make over for todays event.

  20. Sherry I just fell head over heels for your blog. Thank you so much for coming by today. Your yard sale finds are just awesome.

  21. wow what a haul!!! Those are some really great finds, and I would have been racing down the driveway too 🙂 Your table setting looks fabulous Sherry, the PB holder adds just the right amount of casual chic to the beautiful place settings. I can't wait to see what you do with all of you finds. Happy WW, Theresa

  22. Oh those dishes are an amazing find for an amazing price!!! All of yor treasures are wonderful! you had a great yard sale day!!

  23. WOW! I really wish I had the time to go to yard sales. Those dishes are gorgeous! What a fantastic find! Your table is gorgeous, too!

  24. Love your Johnson Brothers transferware – what a fabulous find. I have a little secret…next week I open my giveaway and I will be giving away a lovely serving piece that matches your Old Britain Castles dishes! Come see me next week and enter the giveaway!
    Hugs, Beth

  25. Hi Sherry! I would have picked everything in your pile! Great score on those dishes too! I am now a follower of your terrific blog! Thanks for your nice comments! Have a great day! Donna…the 3rd sister

  26. I'm sooooo jelouse! actually, not too jelouse because a similar thing happend to me at a yard sale. I found the most intact and beautiful Mason's Paynsley Pink plates 6 of them and two serving platters. The owner sold them all to me for just one dollar!!!I was so happy I wanted to cry. I felt as if she was gifting them to me and she didn't even know me. I love my dishes and I treat them with so much care.

  27. WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!
    What fabulous finds. You Go Girl. If that photo doesn't encourage gals to thrift and yardsale…nothing will. Thanks for sharing such exciting treasures! Way to go! LOVE the plates. What a steal!

  28. Sherry, your table is so beautiful, love the carrier and the birdcage. You sure did get a whopping deal on the red transferware!

  29. I see the painted birdcage in the corner of your room…it looks lovely! What a steal on the JB dishes! I have had that same thing happen where you feel like you got such a great deal you know they're going to chase you down and say wait a minute or someone else is going to beat you to trying to pay for them! lol that's so funny! The white cubby looks so cute too and those napkins are so pretty! Love the carrier…everything is always pretty here! I love being at you blog each time I stop in! Thanks for sharing!

  30. What a fabulous find!.., Oooh my!..,

    No wonder you hurriedly left after making your fabulous purchase of that lovely red transferware set of dishes; (wondering perhaps if the lady who sold the pieces to you would suddenly realize she had made a mistake with the pricing)!..,Wow!

    The other finds are wonderful also;you have a 'great eye'!

  31. OMG!!! You got the deal of my lifetime!!! lol. I love those plates!!! I have 2 dinner plates and that's all. Boo hoo. Love your tablescape as well. I love the Pottery Barn carrier. Makes me want one. Bad. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  32. What fantastic finds! Your beautiful napkins are the result of a process called devore, a chemical etching/burn-out of part of the fabric, leaving the design intact. I have a beautiful set of devore napkins myself, but in my experience they aren't very common, so way to go. It's good to see you enjoying them!

  33. Hi. What a great find. And you made the perfect tablescape with this nice things. I adore the napkins. They are so delicate and festive.
    Greetings, Johanna

  34. Oh your did well! I got mine plates at TJ Maxx..4 for 10 so you got double plus the extras!
    I am not allowed to go to yard sales! DH says I MUST have one, LOL!

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