Pictures And Dinner

We are seeing some Fall weather here in Virginia.  Not much is better than chicken and
dumplings in cool weather.
 Not so great for the waistline but wonderful on the taste buds.
This is my husbands favorite dish so I had to make a big pot so we would have leftovers.
For dessert Nutella filled phyllo dough..yum!
It’s a good thing I lost those six pounds I gained on vacation.
When we were in Greece Steve and I shared a Nutella crepe.  This thing was HUGE and we couldn’t even eat the entire thing.  Boy was it delicious though.  Since getting home from our trip I have craved Nutella and I have been slathering it on everything.
I have just added pictures of our vacation to the Greek islands to a separate page on my blog.  If you would like to look you can click Here.
I’ll see you Wednesday evening for the Open House Party.

29 thoughts on “Pictures And Dinner”

  1. Oh you are so right about those chicken and dumplings, nothing is much better on a cool day. Hubby always has to have corn bread with his.

  2. Sherry, I love chicken and dumplins, too and haven't made them in quite some time. This is perfect weather for them. I LOVE Nutella, too. Never had it until my son married an Italian. I have never heard of nutella filled phyllo dough, but it sure sounds delish.

  3. Sherry, that is one of Gar's favorite meals too. I have a jar of nutella in the pantry that a friend in Australia sent me. Have never used it. Maybe it's time I did. 🙂 Looking forward to Thursday. xo

  4. your chicken and dumpling s looks sooo good and the pastries would be very tempting for sure.I just went and looked at your vaca photos,, the blue and white is just amazing,, how do they keep the buildings so white,, and the water oh my gosh so blue and the tight little street with all the beautiful shaped buildings and bells,,the doors, I love the doors,,, it must have been an amazing trip,, I enjoyed your photos ,, really beautiful,,

  5. OMGosh! I haven't had chicken and dumplings in years. Yum, and waistline be hanged, I'm going to try the Nutella and phyllo dough, too. Everything looks delicious.

  6. Ok Sherry… ditto the "I'd love to have that chix n dumpling recipe" & the nutello desert – both look delish! Enjoy your sight so much, you are so lovely! Thanks for the opportunity to share in your open house. Blessings!

  7. Your dinner sounds and looks so good! Perfect for cooler weather. I love Nutella! When I was in Paris it was served on almost every street corner and the crepes were awesome! Have a great evening.

  8. Oh- My hubby loves chicken and dumplings too. When I moved to the Midwest though I got a real surprise. Coming orginally from PA, our dumplings were light and fluffy and well…dumplingly! In the Midwest they make their dumplings small and hard and they sink to the bottom of the soup, or stew, or whatever. I, personally, don't like them…I call them sinkers! So, MyHero has had to adapt to REAL dumplings!

    Just bought some Nutella for the kids~ xo Diana

  9. I love Autumn food and pumpkins best of all because they are so sculpural as well as tasty. have to be a Nutella free zone at the moment though 🙁
    Love your blog.

  10. That does look very tasty! I love chicken and noodles with dumplings and anything in Phyllo dough. Your vacation photos are beautiful…a very pretty locale and the buildings are so white and colorful!!Hugs, Patti

  11. Your chicken & dumplings look wonderful. They're one of my favorite dishes too. About Nutella…I find I can't have it in the house. I'm totally compulsive about finishing off a jar as quickly as I can. Not a good thing.

  12. How did I miss that you are in VA? I am with you on fall, we went to Carter Mountain orchard in Charlottesville, two weeks ago and picked apples. They have been so yummy! I've been making apple everything! I've also been loving this weather!

  13. One of my families favorites too! We are having beautiful weather here in NC too. I've been making soups and stews for my family.
    You know I see nutella everywhere and have heard so many raving reviews but I have never had it LOL….one day I'll pick up a jar.

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